Get started with Microsoft Desired State Configuration v3.0.0

This is the second post in a multi-part series about the new release of DSC.

Microsoft Desired State Configuration (DSC) v3.0.0 is a modern, cross-platform configuration
management framework designed to help administrators and developers declaratively define and enforce
system states. Whether you’re managing infrastructure, deploying applications, or automating system
configurations, DSC provides a flexible and scalable approach to configuration as code.


This post uses the following terminology:

  • DSC refers to Desired State Configuration (DSC) v3.0.0.
  • PSDSC refers to PowerShell Desired State Configuration (PSDSC) v1.1 and v2.

Installing DSC

To get started, follow these steps to install DSC on your system:

On Windows, you can install DSC from the Microsoft Store using winget. By installing from the
Store or using winget, you get automatic updates for DSC.

winget search DesiredStateConfiguration
winget install --id <insert-package-id> --source msstore

On Linux and macOS, you can install DSC using the following steps:

  1. Download the latest release from the PowerShell/DSC repository.
  2. Expand the release archive.
  3. Add the folder containing the expanded archive contents to your PATH environment variable.

Getting started with the DSC command

The dsc command operates on a configuration document or invokes specific resources to manage

Run the following command to display the dsc command help:

dsc --help
Apply configuration or invoke specific DSC resources

Usage: dsc.exe [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  completer  Generate a shell completion script
  config     Apply a configuration document
  resource   Invoke a specific DSC resource
  schema     Get the JSON schema for a DSC type
  help       Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -l, --trace-level <TRACE_LEVEL>    Trace level to use [possible values: error, warn, info, debug, trace]
  -t, --trace-format <TRACE_FORMAT>  Trace format to use [default: default] [possible values: default, plaintext, json]
  -h, --help                         Print help
  -V, --version                      Print version

Use the command to get version information.

dsc --version
dsc 3.0.0

To learn more, see the dsc command reference documentation.

Access DSC resources with dsc resource

The dsc resource command displays or invokes a specific DSC resource. The dsc resource command
contains subcommands for listing DSC resources and invoking them directly.

Use the following command to display a list of installed DSC resources.

dsc resource list
Type                                        Kind      Version  Caps      RequireAdapter  Description
Microsoft.DSC.Transitional/RunCommandOnSet  Resource  0.1.0    gs------                  Takes a si…
Microsoft.DSC/Assertion                     Group     0.1.0    gs--t---                  `test` wil…
Microsoft.DSC/Group                         Group     0.1.0    gs--t---                  All resour…
Microsoft.DSC/PowerShell                    Adapter   0.1.0    gs--t-e-                  Resource a…
Microsoft.Windows/RebootPending             Resource  0.1.0    g-------                  Returns in…
Microsoft.Windows/Registry                  Resource  0.1.0    gs-w-d--                  Manage Win…
Microsoft.Windows/WMI                       Adapter   0.1.0    g-------                  Resource a…
Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell         Adapter   0.1.0    gs--t---                  Resource a…

When the command includes the adapter option, dsc checks for any resource adapters with a matching
name. Classic PowerShell resources are part of the Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell adapter.

dsc resource list --adapter Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
Partial listing

Type                                                   Kind      Version  Caps      RequireAdapter
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Archive                    Resource  1.1      gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Environment                Resource  1.1      gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/File                       Resource  1.0.0    gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Group                      Resource  1.1      gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/GroupSet                   Resource  1.1      gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…
PSDesiredStateConfiguration/Log                        Resource  1.1      gs--t---  Microsoft.Windo…

To learn more, see the dsc resource command reference documentation.

Manage a basic configuration

The dsc config command includes subcommands for managing the resource instances defined in a DSC
configuration document.

The following YAML configuration document calls the classic PowerShell resource WindowsFeature
from the PSDesiredStateConfiguration module to install a Windows web server (IIS) on Windows

  - name: Use Windows PowerShell resources
    type: Microsoft.Windows/WindowsPowerShell
        - name: Web server install
          type: PSDesiredStateConfiguration/WindowsFeature
            Name: Web-Server
            Ensure: Present

To set a machine to the configuration, use the dsc config set subcommand. The following example
shows how you can send the configuration document to DSCv3 using PowerShell:

Get-Content ./web.config.dsc.yaml | dsc config set

To learn more, see the dsc config command reference documentation.

Next steps

Learn more about Authoring Enhancements in Desired State Configuration v3.0.0.

Call to action

For more information about DSC v3.0, see the DSCv3 documentation. We value your feedback. Stop
by our GitHub repository and let us know of any issues you find.

Jason Helmick

Sr. Product Manager, PowerShell

The post Get started with Microsoft Desired State Configuration v3.0.0 appeared first on PowerShell Team.

Previous Article

Announcing Microsoft Desired State Configuration v3.0.0

Next Article

Authoring Enhancements in Microsoft Desired State Configuration v3.0.0

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